May 21, 2020 - May 21, 2020
11:00 am
THE CoLABorative Webinar
21 N. Main Street
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
COVID 19 – a term none of us had heard a few short months ago. Now it’s all we are thinking about. It has changed our way of life dramatically in just a few short
months and there is no doubt that some of the changes will stay with us into the future. It is becoming increasingly clear that one change that will stay is the switch to increased use of virtual communication. This means that communicating effectively online is a new key skill. Presenting virtually is different than presenting in-person on several levels. One difference is that you may not be able to see your audience (or at least all of them at once). Another is that it is more difficult to keep your audience’s attention. In this webinar, I’ll share some tips that will help you be successful no matter what kind of virtual presentation you are giving.
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The presenter:
Barbara Boldt – Executive Communications Skills Coach and Principal at Boldt Global, LLC Barbara has been teaching and coaching presentation skills for more than 20 years. She learned to teach presentation skills in Europe, where she lived and worked for 19 years. During that time, she coached hundreds of European managers from a wide range of businesses on how to deliver their messages with clarity and impact. Since returning to the US, Barbara has coached both entrepreneurs and corporate managers. In 2017 and 2018, Barbara immersed herself in the entrepreneurial ecosystem here in SE Michigan and became an expert in pitch construction and delivery. Barbara loves to help people express their passion authentically, professionally and in a way that gets results. Her ability to give honest, constructive feedback with respect and compassion enables her to facilitate real progress in her clients.
21 N. Main Street
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
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